
Automation Consultancy | Playbook | Guide

Automation Consultancy | Playbook | Guide

Here’s What You’ll Learn:

This playbook is designed to help you and your consultancy build competencies in automation.We recommend you to work chronologically with the playbook to get the most out of the many opportunities in automation.
Check out the overview first and dive deeper into the areas that are relevant to you. Good luck with your skill building!

future in automation consultancy

Introduction: The Future is Process Automation

The introduction to this E-book for automation consultancies will first give you a rough overview of Process Automation in general. For this purpose, the goals, potentials and the resulting future viability of automation are highlighted - which can affect every company in the best-case scenario. In addition, short examples will give you a brief insight into the various possible uses of Process Automation.

offering process automation

Chapter 1: Why should consultancies offer Process Automation?

The first chapter starts with the increasing demand for automation within companies and interesting market data. How consultancies can leverage the growing need for Process Automation as an opportunity raises the question of the job of an Automation Consultant. What exactly is an Automation Consultant and what do they do? What basic knowledge and technological skills does an automation consultant need? And why are automation consultants increasingly needed? You will get the answers to these questions in this chapter!

players in automation consultancy

Chapter 2: The Players in Automation Consultancy

This section gives you an overview of the players in the automation consulting market - from the newcomers to the big players.

build skills in automation consultancy

Chapter 3: How consultancies build skills for Process Automation

In this chapter, you learn how consultants build skills for Process Automation and how our certifications as Automation Starter, Automation Agent or Automation Strategist can take you to the next skill level.

the future of automation consultancy

Chapter 4: The Future of Automation Consultancy

More and more companies are choosing to automate repetitive processes. The question is - When will you decide to start your Automation Consultant education?

automation consultancy

Who is the eBook suitable for?

The Automation Consultancy Playbook is primarily aimed at consultancies that want to prepare for the coming automation wave. In particular, the eBook is suitable for the internal Learning & Development department, which is always on the lookout for sought-after consulting skills on the part of potential customers. Nevertheless, the e-book also helps people from other areas to get an overview of the possibilities of process automation, the current market and training opportunities.

Automation Consulting

In the world of digitalization and the increasing need for process automation within companies, the demand for suitable specialists and talents who have seen through the topic of automation is also increasing. This is where Automation Consulting come into play.

What is the focus of this eBook?

The Automation Consultancy Playbook provides you with an overview of the ever-growing need for process automation and the associated need for competent automation consultancies. Expand your competencies in the area of automation and take yourself and your consultancy to a new level!

Other topics of the Automation Consultancy Playbook

The Automation Consultancy Playbook is designed to help you and your consultancy build competencies in Process Automation - starting with the identification of the increasing relevance of Process Automation up to a closer look at the profession of an Automation Consultant. In particular, you will learn how consultancies build their skills in automation and what a glorious future awaits an automation consultant. Even if you're in a different field, the Automation Consultancy Playbook is a great way to get an overview of Process Automation, the current Automation-Market, and training opportunities.

Exclusive Sneak Peek

Automation Consultancy Playbook - Free Guide
Automation Consultancy Playbook - Free Guide - Intro & Table of Contents
Automation Consultancy Playbook - Free Guide - The Automation Market in Data
Automation Consultancy Playbook - Free Guide - Automation Gap
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Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

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What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

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Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

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Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

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What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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Case Study

Frankfurt Airport (Fraport)

Fraport joined forces with Bots & People and took part in a training at the Automation Academy. The goal was to educate Fraport employees on Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence.

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"We got exactly what we wanted. It was strongly practice-oriented and that is exactly what I appreciate so much about Bots & People. For me, that's what sets it apart from other providers."

Sebastian Fay
Project Manager Process Automation in Finance | Internal Control System | FRAPORT AG
Case Study


Automation Pioneer Program: jointly organized by T-Systems International, RWTH Business School and Bots & People. The aim was to train technology consultants and sales staff in the field of process automation in order to build up in-house expertise.

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We particularly liked the comprehensive content coverage of the topics and technologies relevant to us as well as the inspiring lecturers in the virtual classroom as well as in the video. Our colleagues were provided with a holistic view of the topic of hyperautomation, giving them the opportunity to discuss their challenges together with the experts and work out possible solutions.

Dominik Ohl
Squad Lead | Learning & Development | T-Systems

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