FutureSkill Mag
Subscribe to the FutureSkill Mag to shape the future of your upskilling transformation! In this newsletter, we invite you to our 1-2-1 format, sharing valuable insights into L&D and digital empowerment.

Subscribe to the FutureSkill Mag to shape the future of your upskilling transformation! In this newsletter, we invite you to our 1-2-1 format, sharing valuable insights into L&D and digital empowerment.
Bots & People will be at LEARNTEC 2024, Europe's #1 industry fair in digital learning. Find us at Hall 1, Booth G23, where we’ve set up a lemonade stand serving fresh glasses of fizzy, fruity beverages!
Each day features star-studded keynote speakers from the L&D world, such as Offbeat’s Lavinia Mehedințu or Alexander Freihaut from Bildungsinnovator. Obtain roadmaps to the future of AI and L&D, as well as best practices for AI Upskilling.
Our passion lies in creating no-more-boring ways to bridge the digital skill gap tailormade for your enterprise – just ask us about it. Can’t wait to chat over a cool glass of lemonade!
Book a meeting with us now and get your FREE ticket for LEARNTEC 2024
Nico Bitzer, CEO & Co-Founder of Bots & People
Klaus Schiele, VP Global Learning & Development at T-Systems International
Become an AI Pioneer in 4 Weeks: How T-Systems Fosters the Use of AI Technologies with Upskilling
Alex Freihaut, Head of Customer Experience at Bildungsinnovator
New Blended Learning - Output was Yesterday, Outcome is Today!
Lavinia Mehedințu, Co-Founder & Learning Architect at Offbeat
The Role of L&D in a Future Enabled by AI
Ginesh Koottakara, Head of B2B Sales at StackFuel
Strategic Career Paths: How Data Experts are putting Germany's Companies in the Fast Lane
Sophie Schöndorf, Business Development Manager at I.T.C
Mental Health - The Invisible Force behind Productivity and Innovation
The FutureSkill Mag
Subscribe to gain powerful L&D and digital empowerment insights. Shape the future of your learners!